Friday, April 15, 2011

Please Help Me!!!

I feel like I need a change.
Yet I am so comfortable.
sorry some are out of order
this is the oldest one I could find on my husbands computer
I was 12




  1. wedding 08

Jacobs family. odd duck out! light hair and long.

Thats my time line of boring hair.
long straight.
the same color.

I have been debating on going dark for so long but I just dont know.
What is your opinion? what color/ length should I do.
I am open to all options.


Unknown said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with your hair but since you want change...Maybe you could cut it about 3 inches below the shoulder and then get a bunch of layers. As for color, hmm, maybe bottom half darker, and then integrate low lights and maybe some highlights into the top half. Could be fun, but not crazy, but also different than what you have now.

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

Ok, I am by no means no hair/color expert (hello, I have had the same blond long hair forever, lol) but I think you would look really great with a light brown/auburn color. Nothing too dark, enough to still reflect a lot of light. But I think with your complexion, it would look awesome! :)

Unknown said...

Chop it!!! You will seriously LOVE it! I think you will look so good with a cute a-line!

Krissy :) said...

I don't think that I can be of any help seeing as that I have had my hair the same exact way since before elementary school! Haha

Emily Zoe Hale said...

Start off with getting layers and/ or bangs. Sometimes that is enough of a change! Although no matter what you do to your hair it will always grow back! Maybe some low lights! I think it is so fun to change up hair. It's a quick fix when you need a change and it can always be changed if you don't like it.

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

I think you would look great in dark hair. You have the face that looks good in anything. I say do it but not too dark.

P.S. your hair is so long I love it

Write it in Lipstick

Crystal said...

I LOVE your hair!!! It's absolutely gorgeous. But I also understand the change thing. Sooooo now that you're in UT, just start back-combing like crazy until you have a gigantic poof on the top of your head. You'll love it. I swear.
But really, if you do decide to dye your hair differently, just make sure your colorist knows what they're doing so they can match the color to your skin tone.
You'll be beautiful no matter what you do, so really there isn't a lot of risk.

Jacque Gurney said...

Remember what I said about people's opinions and your hair? Make your husband happy - as he's all that really matters! But make sure he has his glasses on!

Lynda said...

Well, I love your hair the way it is! You are far from an odd-duck (you funny girl). But a fun layered cut would look great on you too!
I actually think it looks weird when blonds die their hair dark. It just looks so unnatural and it doesn't match their eyebrows.
Have fun! Love You!