Monday, January 7, 2013

Jingle bells

{Christmas 2012}

We were lame this year we didn't look at Christmas lights
didn't listen to Christmas music (thank goodness)
We only drank hot chocolate two times
played in the snow once and attempted a snowman that looked like a white blob

we did decorate the entire house
we did sing once there was a snowman 5+ times a day
(Xelly sings it so cute)
we did make yummy cookies
and even managed a few gifts!

I was raised believing in Santa and the whole magical story that follows his name along with the true meaning of Christmas
Jacob was raised not really doing the Santa thing 

With Xelly we are teaching her about both so shoe gets the joy and excitement of Santa along with the true meaning of Christmas. But she chose to believe in her own character "the snowman" after I told her he was Santa's best friend

On Christmas eve the doorbell rang and Xelly went to answer it only to find a package that Santa's best friend left for her. (the snowman)
It was some new princess Pj's and she was so excited! She ran upstairs and jumped in our bath tub with lots of bubbles to get clean for her new Pjs when I noticed the hot water was boiling and would not cool down when I turned on the cold. 
Jacob came to look at it and BAM the faucet burst and the parts hit the ceiling along with the tons of water. We grabbed towels and I held them over the bursting water so Jacob could turn off the water. 
Well the water turn off is outside in Az and we had no idea where is was here so after a good 10 minutes of freak water, Xelly slipping and hurting her head and every towel, rag, robe, clothing item xelly could find around the house to help me stop the water from reaching the carper (success) our awesome neighbors came over and shut off the water. Their Parents were in own and he happened to be a plumber and fixed the freak faucet. Thanks Jocelyn for lending your men!
Then we noticed it was leaking downstairs out of the light fixture so after listening to dripping water for about 4 hours the craziness was over. 
No bath for Xelly and her Pj's ended up being wet from water. But at least there wasn't any damage we cant fix.

Christmas morning we woke up at 8:30 and headed downstairs to open gifts.
Xelly watched a video from Santa that he left for her telling her how awesome she had been all year. it was super cute.
We Skyped my parents so they could watch her open up all her gifts and she was in heaven.

{no pictures because...well that's just my luck with photos lately}

Then we headed over to Jacobs cousins house to eat yummy food and play in their beyond amazing toy room.

All in all it was amazing!! 
Quintons first Christmas and Xelly loved showing him the Tree all month long.
The day after Christmas we took everything down and Xelly shed a tear or 10. 
She still talks about Christmas- This morning she ran into our room saying "Christmas Time" really loud with her hands up in the air.
I think that mean she liked it.

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